How Can You Proceed with Trademark Registration Online?
How Can You Proceed with Trademark Registration Online?
Trademark symbolises the uniqueness of a brand and it differentiates a product or brand from its competitors. The trademark can be a logo, emblem, or monogram being considered as an important asset in the modern-day business sphere.
Trademarks are an identification sign that your products or service ranges have differentiation from other products and service ranges.
The Trademark Registration Came into Force Upon Which Products?
As per the trademark-related acts, some commodities and modules can be registered under the trademark law with brand registration in India.
Following the provisions of the trademark laws, there are the specific categories of products, articles, or units that can be registered under the trademark law. You can have a look at them:
Letter, Word, Number, Phrase
Graphic Content
What Are The Benefits of a Trademark?
You can have your Trademark registration under the Trademarks Act 1999 in terms of safeguarding your intellectual properties . So, have a look at the benefits of Trademark enrollment:
The Intellectual Property (IP)
The creative people and professionals craft artistic pieces like painting, designing, literary works and very often register trademarks to protect their intellectual properties from any legal breach scenario. After a Trademark Application, the symbol ‘™’ can be used with your IPs.
Good for Business Value
A trademark-registered product can enhance its business value, goodwill, and net worth in the Indian and global markets. The trademark symbolises quality assurance and the unique features of the company. Trademark plays an important role in the growth of the business.
Good for Consumer Trust
Trademarks can assist a business in retaining and expanding its customer base. A Trade Mark ‘™’ means you can use the symbol for consecutively 10 years and it is an important tool for the revenue growth of your company.
Face for the Company
A registered ™ mark can create a trustworthy face for the company, business, and product and service ranges. Having a trustworthy face is a huge necessity for creating a renowned brand.
So, overall, these are the four benefits you can get after trademark inscriptions.
What are the Documents Required for Trademark Registration?
To Trademark your product or service ranges online, you need to apply and submit numerous documents. The list is as follows:
Official Proof of the Applicant
An individual applicant has to apply with his/her official proof of ID card and Address proof.
Form Trademark- 48
The Trademark- 48 is a form that the attorney fills up on your behalf with a trademark registry.
MSME/Start-up Trademark
For MSME (Ministry of Small and Medium-Size Enterprise) and Start-ups, they need to submit special documents that will prove that MSME and Start-ups can create their special Trademark recognition.
Overall, these are the documents required for Trademark registration.
Check Which Trademark Class is Attached with What Product or Service Ranges?
Several Trademark classes are attached with different product or service ranges. You can have a look at them:
Trademark Class 25:
The Trademark Class 25 is associated with Clothing, Footwear, and Headgear.
Trademark Class 35:
The Trademark Class 35 is associated with Advertising and Business Services.
Trademark Class 42:
The Trademark Class 42 is associated with computer-related service ranges.
These are the three popular Trademark Classes.
How Can Online Legal India™ Help You in Trademark Registration?
Those days are long gone when you need to go to the Trademark Office for registration purposes. With the help from the Online Legal India™ online registration process, you can comfortably register your Trademark from your home.
The Online Legal India™ consists of Trademark experts who can assist you with Govt. registration, research, and brand protection. So, your MSME and Start-up are safe from any kind of infringement or legal-breach kind of problem.
Identity, Shield, and asset are the three words that are associated with Trademark registration. Trademarks can provide your business, product, or service ranges with a separate identity with brand name registration. The shield is useful for giving legal protection to your product or service ranges. Trademark is also considered an asset as it can help your business to grow its worth.
So, register your business with a Trademark symbol from the comfort of your home.
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